Cindy's Gift Shop in St. Augustine, Florida, featured shop on the Sundrop Jewelry blog

Featured Shop: Cindy's Gift Shop

by Tawny Reynolds on Apr 10, 2023

Cindy's Gift Shop / LYMI Oddities in St. Augustine Florida, profiled on the Sundrop Jewelry blog

Our newest featured shop is Cindy's Gift Shop / LYMI Oddities in St. Augustine, Florida - a gorgeous, light-filled gift shop full of ocean-themed art and gifts.

Cindy's Gift Shop aka Love Ya Mean It Oddities, a lovely gift shop in St. Augustine, Florida

Why did you start your shop?

I opened the store 11 years ago here in St. Augustine, FL. We have a lot of local very talented artists here in town so I decided to open a consignment store featuring local artists as well as souvenirs and gifts. We try to feature a new artist or gifts on our FB and Instagram page every couple of days. 

What types of products do you carry?

We have painters, potters, jewelers, authors, seamstresses, and folks who have trademarked slogans on all types of items. It changes all the time so there is always something new to see from these artists.

Art, jewelry, hats, pillows, socks and more at Cindy's Gift Shop in St. Augustine, Florida

Why did you pick Sundrop Jewelry for your store?

I started carrying your jewelry line because a friend of mine was wearing your earrings and just raved about the quality and the recycle story which really intrigued me. I have sold so much in such a short time and am delighted I found you!

What does "LYMI Oddities" stand for?

LYMI stands for "Love ya! Mean it!" Which is something I say to all of my friends. When I opened the store years ago I added "Oddities" to it cuz I wasn’t sure what I would be selling exactly. But then people were coming in asking for oddities like the show… shrunken heads, spiders, snakes etc. So when I moved I changed the name to Cindy’s Gift Shop, but locals still call it LYMI. I do get a lot of women named Cindy stopping in to see the shop and take a picture by the sign now! 

Puzzles, lampshades, art prints, hand painted surfboards and more at Cindy's Gift Shop in St. Augustine, Florida

Where can people learn more about your store?

If they're in the area, be sure to stop in for great art and gifts!  

Follow Cindy's Gift Shop on Facebook or Instagram - our local artists are bringing in new unique items almost daily!

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