Marine Mammal Center: featured shop of Sundrop Jewelry

Featured Shop: The Marine Mammal Center

by Tawny Reynolds on Feb 22, 2017

This week's featured shop is The Marine Mammal Center in Sausalito, California. The mission of the Marine Mammal Center is to advance global ocean conservation through marine mammal rescue and rehabilitation, scientific research, and education.

The Marine Mammal Center is free and open to the public every day of the year except Thanksgiving, Christmas, and New Year's Day. This time of year (February to May) is pupping season, and The Marine Mammal Center has northern elephant seals and California sea lion pups!


Marine Mammal Center: featured shop carrying Sundrop JewelryWhat do your customers love?

Our customers love to find unique products that they’re not likely to find any other place.


What types of products do you carry?

Apparel, gifts and jewelry, toys, and books are our main product categories.

We fully extend our mission of ocean conservation into our store which means that we are 99% plastic free. We focus on products made from organic, recycled and/or reusable materials as much as possible.

We choose local, US made and fair trade products whenever possible.


Why did you start your shop?

As a non-profit organization we rely on the local community for support and find it important to support local businesses as well.


Why did you pick Sundrop Jewelry for your store?

Because it is beautiful, simple, local and made in the most environmentally friendly way possible.


Where can people learn more about your store?

Our website is

Marine Mammal Center Adopt-a-Seal program

1 comment

  • Cheryl Reynolds
    Feb 23, 2017 at 10:21

    I’m thrilled to see the gift shop of a conservation and science center focuses on local made, enviormnentally friendly products, available for purchase. When I see plastic mass produced junk in the gift shop, it makes me think the center is lying about their overall purpose. WTG! folks.


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